Fundamentals for determining the decisive traffic volume

Enlarged view: Fundamentals for determining the decisive traffic volume (Illustration: ASTRA)
Fundamentals for determining the decisive traffic volume (Illustration: ASTRA)

Project details




external pageFEDRO Federal Roads Office


Roland Mueller Kuesnacht AG


K.W. Axhausen, S. Guidon and G. Sarlas


In a first step, an overview will be given outlining the current situation and the challenges of determining the decisive traffic volume. As a basis, a survey in the planning practice will be conducted in order to gain in-depth and broad-based knowledge of the problems and needs. Building on this, the new methodology for determining the relevant traffic is designed. Based on a flow chart, the relevant traffic should be determined taking into account the relevant factors and planning objectives. Afterwards, the new methodology will be examined in two steps. On the one hand, model based analysis will be made with different scenarios. On the other hand, concrete case studies will be looked at. Based on the impact analysis, the methodology is optimized as needed. The practical feasibility of the proposed methodology will also be reviewed in a workshop with decision-makers and planners. Finally, the findings will be summarised in a draft of a guideline (SN G) that includes the fundamentals and relevant guidelines to determine the appropriate design load when dimensioning road facilities. external pageRead on


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