STEP: Short term prediction tools

Enlarged view: Railway clock (CC0 1.0 via pexels)
Railway clock (CC0 1.0 via pexels)

Project details






Dr. M. Menendez and A. Mancera


  • T. Van Vuren (Mott MacDonald, PI)
  • C. Van Hinsbergen (Fileradar)
  • S. Hoogernoorn (TU Delft)
  • C. Tampere (KU Leuven)


Real-time prediction tools are already used in many urban and inter-urban environments. However, they generally lack a common background and operational platform. Moreover, many of the advances made in the academic research context have not yet filtered through to practice. This project aimed at getting a better understanding of these prediction tools, while assessing their reliability and usefulness for operators. Real-life trials were conducted in the UK and the Netherlands. The goal was to develop Europe-wide recommendations for standards, specifications and guidance to assist traffic control centres in their investment decisions. The project was carried out by a team of five institutions, including three universities (including us) and two private companies.

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